Monday, December 1, 2008

News sites using Video

Video is an important tool for any news site in today's competitive online landscape.

But newspapers don't do video, you say. While some newspapers across the country have made good use of video on their websites, many are not using it at all. Many others are using it infrequently or ineffectively.

The best way to think of video is that it is just one more tool to help tell a story. Imagine newspapers before photos were used. Just stories, right? Then photos came along and newspapers probably had a difficult time at first figuring out how to use this new technology. Now of course photos are a natural in all news reporting, and without them, something would just be missing.

Video needs to be thought of in the same way. Five or ten years from now, it would seem silly to have a news website with no videos on it.

How is video best used? Well, it should be used to enhance the stories that newspapers are already telling.

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